Ratings for call of duty advanced warfare
Ratings for call of duty advanced warfare

ratings for call of duty advanced warfare

Next is Overload, which is set in and around a luxurious building in New Baghdad with fancy furnishings, patios, and a helicopter pad. The roofs of scattered containers and buildings provide spots you can boost jump up to if you want rain down death from above, though you’ll find you have virtually no protection up there. It’s fairly small – great for team deathmatch and fast-paced domination games – with lots of little boxes in which you can set up ambushes or into which you can step for cover if you’re being chased. Article contentįracture is set on the edge of the Arctic Ocean in a frozen excavation site with icebergs bumping up against the shore and a mid-game event that sees a huge chunk of ice falling into the sea. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.

Ratings for call of duty advanced warfare